Thursday, February 4, 2010
In general, many people are now familiar with GPS through a cell phone owned. But actually GPS equipment has been specially developed before the GPS technology embedded in mobile phones.
Development of GPS equipment are initially as a mapping aid used for various purposes of research and technology, mining, plantations, forests, geophysical and national defense and security. But in its development the utility of GPS technology is more in demand in general, so that eventually this technology is widely used.
In general, the GPS equipment itself can be divided into several types according to user needs, the GPS Tracking System, GPS Geodetic, GPS Mapping (GIS) and Bluetooth GPS.
Among the various types of GPS, which is well known by people is a GPS Tracking System or popular with the Vehicle Tracking (Fleet Management System). The type of this GPS is attached to the vehicles, especially vehicles for business-commercial purposes, in order to monitor the extent to which the presence of the vehicle. But now this equipment can also be attached to private cars.
As for GPS Geodetic, widely used for the purposes of geology, geodesy, geophysics, Geometrics, or deformation. Even some areas such as mining, is very dependent on this tool to map the locations of mining and potential points of mining. This tool is also very important role in the shift map and find the coordinates of a location, either by human, such as shifting the border, as well as the actual shift by natural disasters, earthquakes etc.
The technology of GPS is being developed, so many other new tools that continue to emerge. The use of GPS is not always using the phone, because today has been a lot of this equipment sold freely. Prices and facilities offered even more variety too, starting from which facilitated with a compass, automatic routing, until waterproof in all weather conditions was available.
GPS or Global Positioning System is a constellation of 24 satellites (5 satellites plus a spare). The 24 satellites that orbit the earth at a distance of 20,200 km 2 times a day, with news broadcasting radio waves. U.S. Defense Department operates the GPS system has been set up satellite configuration such that all places on earth can receive signals from 4 to 10 satellites. As a timepiece, each satellite equipped with 4 atomic clocks that measure time with precision one-millionth seconds. GPS technology could determine any location on earth with an error less than 1 meter.
To take advantage of GPS, we must use the GPS receiver (GPS receiver). This tool will show you the location coordinates in the format, as usual on the map. If you notice, every map is always equipped with transverse lines and longitudinal. Based on the coordinates of latitude and longitude that we determine the position of a place. Well, GPS also has the same coordinates called Waypoint. Of course, the GPS Waypoint more thorough and more accurate than map coordinates.
How GPS receiver can display the coordinates we? The method used is very simple. If the GPS receiver in hand, we know the distance between our locations and 3 GPS satellites, and has information about the position of these satellites, the location we can easily be calculated. To be more clear, consider the following story.
Tommy wants to come to a birthday party of Michelle in the Building G. Unfortunately, Tommy does not know where that building. He only had information that the Building G is located 10 km from the University of X, 15 km from Market Y and 20 km from Terminal Z. Since Tommy has a brilliant ideas, He draws three circles centered at the University of X, Y and Terminal Market Z, each with a radius of 10, 15 and 20 km. At the third intersection point of the circle that is located Building G.
The way in which Tommy used is called three-literate method. The same principle is used in GPS. The difference, the GPS receiver will not draw a circle, but only with a row of numbers to calculate mathematical equations.
How does the GPS satellite positioning and knowing the distance? Satellite position easily known because each satellite will notify the coordinates through a special signal. The receiver can easily identify from where a satellite signal comes, and then match the satellite positioning table is always updated from time to time.
Distance satellite and the receiver is calculated with a clever way. At certain times, the GPS satellites transmit a digital code. At the same time, the receiver runs the same code. Having to travel far enough, the code from the satellite will be delayed compared to the code that runs the receiver. Time delay is considered as a signal travel time. Next easy. Distance equal to the time interval times the speed. By multiplying the signal travel time and speed of propagation of the signal (equal to the speed of light), the GPS receiver can know the distance to the satellite.
After knowing the distance between a receiver to each satellite, the receiver computer to start counting. To determine the 2-dimensional position (latitude and longitude), the GPS receiver to detect signals at least 3 pieces of the satellite. 3-dimensional coordinates that include altitude locations can be determined if the receiver got the signal from the satellite 4 pieces or more.
Friday, January 22, 2010

The first question appears and would think: "What is GPS Personal Tracker for"? Buy something, of course should know the purpose, isn’t it?
One time a friend told me, he complains that he's family had lost the car twice. Car stolen is a serious problem in this country. Many ways have been done, such as wearing a safety alarm, but have not effective yet. In fact, the alarm just installed in car windows.
it means if the glass of the car is broken (peeled with a knife), then the thief can freely enter into the car turned off the alarm and steal the car. At least, if the car is not missing, then the tape of the car will disappear.
When my friend bought the new car again, I suggest him to facilitate car with Personal GPS Tracker. Various tools in the market. One of the type is a shaped aluminum box mounted bonnet engine, another is a shaped key chain, tiny as hands palm only (similar matches). This tool will send data through SMS to owners regularly to give the car position where it is in this earth.
GPS Personal Tracker is generally divided into two. There's only as a data logger, that means store date silently, and it can be seen only if the device is removed from the car and then downloaded into a PC.
And second, the data they will be sent SMS via GSM cell phone. To secure the car, it suggests you to choose the tracker that can sent via SMS. This tool easily inserted and hidden places and not eye visible. This tool can also be placed motorcycle seat without being seen. Its function is not just for cars only.